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HomeStudent LoanBiden has aliented an important Democratic constituency

Biden has aliented an important Democratic constituency

Keep in mind when Joe Biden chided an African American radio host in the course of the 2020 election season? “You probably have an issue determining whether or not you’re for me or Trump,” Biden flippantly claimed, “then you definately ain’t Black.”

It was a racist comment, stereotyping all Black People as Blue Canine Democrats who can be denying their very own pursuits in the event that they voted Republican.

Now, that phrase has been turned towards him as Jewish voters recoil from Biden’s betrayal of Israel. As Varda Meyers Epstein wrote on the Elders of Zyon weblog website, “When you vote for Biden, you ain’t Jewish.” Writing final month, Epstein accused Biden of betraying Israel in its life-or-death wrestle with Hamas. Biden was withholding arms and knowledge,” Epstein charged, and concealing “vital intelligence for later leverage, and was now utilizing it—carrot and stick—to pressure Israel to face down from Rafah.”

Epstein may additionally have talked about that Biden undermined Israel when he implicitly endorsed Senator Chuck Schumer’s speech excoriating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and calling for his ouster. Biden known as Schumer’s outrageous betrayal “a superb speech.”

Why has President Biden stabbed Israel within the again? Some commentators say he is afraid he’ll alienate Michigan’s Muslim voters earlier than the November presidential election if he would not take a extra pro-Palestian stance within the Gaza conflict. Michigan, in any case, is a vital battleground state.

I disagree. I feel Biden’s betrayal is a cowardly capitulation to a rising tide of anti-semitism within the progressive wing of the Democratic Get together. Racist Democrats hate Jews, and so they do not care whether or not they alienate Jewish voters who’ve historically voted for the Democratic ticket.

If that’s the case, Biden made a deadly miscalculation. Even when he carries Michigan within the November election (a uncertain proposition), he could lose different states with vital Jewish populations. 

Earlier this week, New York voters swept Jamaal Bowman, a pro-Palestinian Congressman, out of workplace, and Jewish PAC cash helped defeat him. Bowman had accused Israel of committing genocide, and Jewish voters took notice.

Bowman’s defeat is a sign of how Jews will in all probability vote in November. Jewish voters could have concluded that in the event that they vote for Biden, “they ain’t Jewish.” And there are 1.4 million Jews in New York Metropolis alone.

Professional-Palestinian protesters exterior a Jewish synagogue in Los Angeles
Photograph credit score: Wall Avenue Journal



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