Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeNetwork MarketingCharity ruse matrix cycler Ponzi

Charity ruse matrix cycler Ponzi

Meals Earners Monitor fails to supply possession or govt info on its web site.

Meals Earners Monitor’s web site area (“foodearnerstrack.com”), was registered in December 2019. The personal registration was final up to date on November twenty third, 2023.

One entity we will tie to Meals Earners Monitor is Dextra Applied sciences, creator of Meals Earners Monitor’s advertising supplies.

Dextra Applied sciences is a digital advertising agency primarily based out of Awka, Nigeria. As of Might 2024, SimilarWeb additionally tracked 100% of Meals Earners Monitor web site visitors from Nigeria.

From this we will surmise whoever is operating Meals Earners Monitor is probably going primarily based out of Nigeria.

As all the time, if an MLM firm will not be overtly upfront about who’s operating or owns it, suppose lengthy and laborious about becoming a member of and/or handing over any cash.

Meals Earners Monitor’s Merchandise

Meals Earners Monitor has no retailable services or products.

Associates are solely capable of market Meals Earners Monitor affiliate membership itself.

Meals Earners Monitor’s Compensation Plan

Meals Earners Monitor associates buy N1000 positions in a six-tier matrix cycler.

Meals Earners Monitor makes use of 3×1 and three×2 matrices in its cycler.

A 3×1 matrix is straightforward, requiring solely three positions to fill.

A 3×2 matrix provides a further stage, bringing the entire variety of positions to fill to 12.

Positions within the cycler are stuffed by way of direct and oblique recruitment of Meals Earners Monitor associates who additionally buy N1000 positions.

As soon as all positions in a matrix are stuffed, a “cycle” is generated. This corresponds with a fee fee and entry into the subsequent tier of the cycler.

Funds throughout all of Meals Earners Monitor’s six matrix cycler tiers are as follows:

  • Feeder (3×1 matrix, prices N1000 to enter) – N1100 fee and cycles into Stage 1
  • Stage 1 (3×2 matrix) – N6500 fee and cycles into Stage 2
  • Stage 2 (3×2 matrix) – N40,000 fee and cycles into Stage 3
  • Stage 3 (3×2 matrix) – N150,000 fee and cycles into Stage 4
  • Stage 4 (3×2 matrix) – N9,500,000 fee and cycles into Stage 5
  • Stage 5 (3×2 matrix) – N55,000,000 fee

Word that Meals Earners Monitor associates who cycle out of Stage 5 obtain N4,000,000 per affiliate they’ve recruited who additionally cycles out of Stage 5.

Becoming a member of Meals Earners Monitor

Meals Earners Monitor affiliate membership is free.

Full participation within the hooked up revenue alternative requires no less than one N1000 cycler place buy.

Meals Earners Monitor Conclusion

Meals Earners Monitor combines a charity advertising ruse with monetary fraud.

We’re Multi Stage Advertising and marketing (MLM) Community firm on a mission to empower lives (charity, enhance financial system customary
and monetary freedom), individuals struggling to feed themselves, financial insecurity, meals insecurity, starvation, malnutrition, poverty and a number of others within the society.

We create the working collectively to supply sustainable meals gadgets for all registered members and in addition makes one self

Additionally, we assist to extend way of life, creating room for job alternative and empowering the much less privilege.

That is in fact baloney. Right here’s the very first thing guests to Meals Earners Monitor’s web site see:

Like all cycler Ponzi schemes, Meals Earners Monitor is about enriching oneself on the expense of others.

Particularly, one N1000 Meals Earners Monitor place biking by all six tiers pays out N64,697,600. That’s 64,697 N1000 funds.

Evidently the one individual getting wherever remotely near that’s Meals Earners Monitor’s nameless admin(s).

Admin positions in an MLM Ponzi cycler are added in first. These positions contribute nothing to the rip-off however suck a lot of the deposited funds by reaching the higher tiers of the cycler first.

This comes on the expense of the recruited individuals, the vast majority of whom lose cash.

To drive a degree dwelling; stealing from individuals to counterpoint your self is the other of “empowering the much less privilege”.



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