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Microsoft Shares 5 Starter Prompts For AI-Powered Bing

As digital entrepreneurs and search engine optimisation professionals, we discover ourselves amid speedy developments in synthetic intelligence (AI).

Whereas attempting to know the implications of AI, we should adapt our methods to this new expertise panorama.

In a weblog submit, Frank X. Shaw, Microsoft’s Chief Communications Officer, shares methods to combine AI into your present workflow.

Shaw’s aim in publishing the following tips is to information individuals alongside the change curve and spotlight the alternatives AI gives to writers and communicators.

Amongst its capabilities, Microsoft’s AI-powered Bing has proven spectacular leads to aiding with artistic communication duties.

Shaw makes use of these 5 prompts, which will help familiarize you with the brand new Bing and improve your written work.

“The outcomes had been loopy spectacular,” Shaw states within the weblog submit.

See the outcomes for your self by getting into the next prompts into the brand new model of Bing.

5 Prompts To Get You Began With The New AI-Powered Bing

1. Media Protection Snapshots

Bing can present fast snapshots of media protection to gauge the affect of reports tales, serving to you keep up to date on present developments.

Shaw lists a number of examples within the weblog submit:

“It’s been a loopy few weeks of reports right here at Microsoft and I’ve began utilizing Bing to assist me get fast snapshots of media protection to see how information is touchdown within the second. Listed below are just a few examples I pulled just lately:

  • “What’s the newest information about immediately?”
  • “What’s the general tone of those tales?”
  • “How does this examine with information about in the identical time interval?”

2. Social Media Publish Inspiration

The AI-powered Bing chat can be utilized as a brainstorming software to generate artistic and fascinating social media content material.

Shaw lists the next prompts for producing copywriting concepts for social media posts:

  • “Generate just a few tweets that embrace <X> info and makes use of a <Y> tone” (comparable to “lighthearted tone”)
  • “Write a LinkedIn submit for this weblog, <X>”
  • “Generate just a few tweet concepts for <firm> about <product characteristic>”
  • “Take the next info and switch it right into a <X> character tweet / LinkedIn submit: <copy and paste textual content>,” then “Are you able to write it once more however make it extra participating?”

3. Headline Era

Bing will help create a number of headline variations for weblog posts or different content material, saving time and vitality.

Shaw makes use of the brand new Bing to put in writing headlines with the next immediate: “Counsel just a few variations of headlines for the next,”

Subsequent, copy your textual content and paste it into the Bing chat window.

4. FAQ Era

Utilizing Bing, you’ll be able to generate related and fascinating FAQs in your content material, bettering person expertise and boosting search engine optimisation efforts.

Right here’s how Shaw does it:

“FAQs is one other kind of writing I’ve been eager to speed up with AI. Right here’s how I’ve performed that:

  • “Counsel 5 FAQs for < textual content or hyperlink>”
  • “Give me just a few extra”

5. Media Interview Preparation

Shaw demonstrates that you may generate interview questions utilizing the brand new AI-powered Bing.

Right here’s a immediate he used to arrange for a podcast episode with Kara Swisher:

“Assist me put together for a podcast interview with Kara Swisher. The subject we’ve agreed to debate is the rise of Synthetic Intelligence instruments and providers. Primarily based on her most up-to-date writing and podcasts, give me 10 questions I ought to anticipate.”

If Bing is aware of the particular person you’re interviewing, you’ll be able to ask it for potential questions primarily based on their internet content material.

In Abstract

Microsoft’s AI-powered Bing marks a brand new period for content material creators.

It will probably save time, encourage concepts, and kickstart content material that resonates along with your audience.

These 5 prompts shared by Shaw are solely the start.

As you turn into extra aware of Bing’s AI capabilities, you’ll be able to discover extra prompts and functions tailor-made to your distinctive wants and goals.

Whether or not brainstorming social media content material, crafting compelling headlines, or making ready for media interviews, AI is usually a highly effective ally in your digital advertising arsenal.

Strive for your self by signing up for the preview at bing.com/new.

Supply: Microsoft

Featured Picture: rarrarorro/Shutterstock



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