Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeNetwork MarketingQuantitative buying and selling "click on a button" Ponzi

Quantitative buying and selling “click on a button” Ponzi

Henry fails to offer possession or govt info on its web site.

Henry’s web site area (“henry-onlinevip.com”), was privately registered on June 4th, 2024.

Of observe is Henry’s web site area being registered by way of the Chinese language registrar Alibaba (Singapore).

As all the time, if an MLM firm isn’t overtly upfront about who’s operating or owns it, suppose lengthy and exhausting about becoming a member of and/or handing over any cash.

Henry’s Merchandise

Henry has no retailable services or products.

Associates are solely in a position to market Henry affiliate membership itself.

Henry’s Compensation Plan

Henry associates make investments tether (USDT). That is accomplished on the promise of marketed returns:

  • H-1 – make investments 10 USDT and obtain 3.5 USDT a day
  • H-2 – make investments 30 USDT and obtain 15 USDT a day
  • H-3 – make investments 100 USDT and obtain 66 USDT a day
  • H-4 – make investments 300 USDT and obtain 205 USDT a day
  • H-5 – make investments 600 USDT and obtain 420 USDT a day
  • H-6 – make investments 1200 USDT and obtain 840 USDT a day
  • H-7 – make investments 2400 USDT and obtain 1800 USDT a day
  • H-8 – make investments 5000 USDT and obtain 3500 USDT a day
  • H-9 – make investments 10,000 USDT and obtain 7000 USDT a day
  • H-10 – make investments 20,000 USDT and obtain 14,000 USDT a day
  • H-11 – make investments 50,000 USDT and obtain 35,000 USDT a day

Henry pays referral commissions through a unilevel compensation construction.

A unilevel compensation construction locations an affiliate on the high of a unilevel crew, with each personally recruited affiliate positioned straight below them (degree 1):

If any degree 1 associates recruit new associates, they’re positioned on degree 2 of the unique affiliate’s unilevel crew.

If any degree 2 associates recruit new associates, they’re positioned on degree 3 and so forth and so forth down a theoretical infinite variety of ranges.

Henry caps payable unilevel crew ranges at 5.

Referral commissions are paid as a share of USDT invested throughout these 5 ranges as follows:

  • degree 1 (personally recruited associates) – 8%
  • degree 2 – 4%
  • degree 3 – 3%
  • degree 4 – 2%
  • degree 5 – 1%

Becoming a member of Henry

Henry affiliate membership is free.

Full participation within the hooked up earnings alternative requires a minimal 10 USDT funding.

Henry Conclusion

Henry is yet one more “click on a button” app Ponzi scheme.

Henry’s “click on a button” Ponzi ruse is quantitative buying and selling:

The introduced ruse is Henry associates log in and click on a button (the extra invested the extra the button must be clicked).

Clicking the button purportedly generates income through quantitative buying and selling, which for some motive Henry shares a share of with affiliate buyers.

If that is unnecessary it’s as a result of it doesn’t. Randoms clicking a button in an app doesn’t set off quantitative buying and selling.

In actuality clicking a button inside Henry does nothing. All Henry does is recycle newly invested funds to pay earlier buyers.

Henry is a part of a bunch of “click on a button” app Ponzis which have emerged since late 2021.

Examples of already collapsed “click on a button” app Ponzis utilizing the identical quantitative buying and selling ruse embody GSTAIQDusery and edX AI.

Together with Henry, BehindMLM has to date documented over 100 “click on a button” app Ponzis. Most of them final a couple of weeks to a couple months earlier than collapsing.

“Click on a button” app Ponzis disappear by disabling each their web sites and app. This tends to occur with out discover, leaving nearly all of buyers with a loss (inevitable Ponzi math).

The identical group of Chinese language scammers are believed to be behind the “click on a button” app Ponzi plague.



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